
What is Blogging? Videos Reveal How to Use Blogs to Make Bundles of Cold, Hard Cash!

Everyone who blogs, or everyone who is seriously considering blogging, has a very different reason for doing so. Before you dive in head first into blogging, you should first determine what blogging means to you. Once you have a personal definition for blogging, one which fits your situation and circumstances, you are better able to determine what you intend to accomplish as a blogger, and which market to target. Having crystallized your goal in this manner, you'll be better prepared to accomplish it; hint, you'll know where you are headed.

Here are some common reasons why people start blogging, see whether any one of these describes you:

1. There are those who blog for the heck of it or, Just For Fun

If this defines you, it may well be that you have an unsatisfied need to express that personal side of you which sets you apart from the rest of us. You may be bursting at the seams to tell the world about your adorable Shih Tzu puppy, the one who makes your life more about sharing and loving, instead of about conflict. Needless to say, the puppy mentioned above can be substituted for with any one else who makes your life more fulfilling, and who makes you able to express love to the world around you.

2. There are those who Blog For Money

Such a goal in neither far fetched, nor ridiculous. There are many, so called, pro bloggers raking in $20,000 a month, or more. So, such a goal is possible and justifiable, if you define blogging in terms of profits. By reading the next two sections, you'll get a glimpse at a few methods used by some bloggers in order to profit from them handsomely.

3, There are those who blog to Attain Expert Status

You may be fortunate enough to have a good deal of specialized knowledge in a particular field that is, also, popular online. Some of these include, pet grooming and training, making wine, ethnic cooking, car repair, or pc repair and maintenance. By deciding to use your blog in order to share your expertise with the world in your field of specialization, you can attain the status of an expert in that field, and build a devoted following online, otherwise known as a mailing list or, my term, a 'goose egg'.

You can then leverage this expert status into a profit generating home business simply by emailing your list with affiliate products which are appropriate and pertinent to their needs.

4. There are those who blog For Networking

It may well be that, your interest in blogging is based on being able to persuade others to assist you in your business ventures, this assistance being either financial, as from investors, or purely technical.

With this goal in mind, your blog can become the platform that catapults mere business ideas and concepts into a viable, profitable business entity. Your words can be the funnel that brings in the needed capital to take you from dream to reality, or they can help you drum up new customers and business, also with the same effect.

We've covered the most common, but not the only, reasons why people blog. There are probably as many different reasons for blogging as there are folks blogging. But, it's likely your own reason for blogging falls somewhere within these parameters we have discussed. As you can see, there's no hard and fast definition of what is blogging.

In the end, you'll have to define blogging for yourself.

If you're ready to go from 'wannabe blogger' to 'pro blogger', but think the road ahead is full of pitfalls, don't worry. It's not as hard as you think. Get started right by visiting the video website I've put together for you.

If you have shyed away from learning "what is blogging" because you think blogging requires skills you don't have, or because you think it's hard to learn them, then you're not only wrong, but you're in luck! I've put together a series of fun videos that can take you from a 'wannabe' blogger to an accomplished blog marketer in a matter of hours. Most people find it easier to learn new skills by watching others, instead of by reading boring instructions. Visit my video website and start learning how to start a profitable blog http://www.thebestdealanywhere.com/what-is-blogging

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