
30 Days to a Pro Blogging Career: Pt3

The last 10 days should be the easiest. There are a lot of thing that you are just repeating. You've already registered with the services. Now you just need to promote.

Day 20

Learn how to optimize the templates, adding meta information, and learning how to optimize for the Pay Per Click programs.

Day 21

Time to post again. Post articles regularly to keep the search engine’s interested in your blogs.

Day 22

Find a bunch of free for use images and post them to Flicker, and publish them in your posts. This will create interest in the posts as well as bring traffic to the site.

Day 23

Interview a few gurus in the industry to add credibility to the blog’s topic.

Day 24

Subscribe to industry blogs and associations, newsletters, or RSS feeds so you can keep ‘cutting edge’ information on your blog.

Day 25

Start looking at plug-ins to make your blog work better. It is vital that you learn how to use widgets and plug-ins. There is no need to learn code.

Day 26

Time to learn how to read your stats. It will take months, if not years to learn how to properly translate the data offered by webstats, but you need to get started now.

Day 27

Start soliciting writers. I find that offering to trade free promotion on sites that receive 10 000 hits a month or more, in exchange for first crack at a public article, is enough to attract writers.

Day 28

Join some of the larger blog communities such as bloggerparty.com and communati.com to use as promotion tools.

Day 29

Want to know who is linking to your blog, use: http://www.wholinks2me.com/link/blog-dir.blogspot.com

Adding this code to your blogs will help you manage a link campaign, and know if your ‘paid inclusion’ program is giving you at least 60% links

Day 30

Create a brand for yourself. People use blogs. They want to meet you. They want to know who you are. Branding is the first step to become a recognized figure in the world.

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