
Seven Years Ago

Seven years ago I said goodbye to working outside of the home. The frustration of working for someone with half my education, and making one tenth of their pay, empowered me to leave my job, and to repeat the cliche' I've never looked back.

I've met so many other women since then who have left high paying jobs to work in a world, free of men, free of politics, and free of abuse. Each of these women have a story to tell. Each has a tip to help others succeed.

Each is a Diva

They taught me that I was a Diva. That I had power. Now, I am bringing together Divas to work together, learn together, and overcome the myths that have prevented us from succeeding for decades.

Myths like:
I am too old
I lack education
I am married

These myths are poison, draining the beauty and power from your soul.

Take a minute and learn that you can succeed. You can become beautiful again. It is not impossible, after all, you are a diva.

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