
Drive Free Traffic to your Blog

Most people have a nice blog all set up and are diligently posting useful information every single day for their target markets to enjoy but guess what? The target market is not even getting this useful information to read let alone enjoy it! Why? What happened? What can you do about it?

Well writing and updating your blog daily does not mean people will automatically receive this information! A blog, just like any other website, needs to be promoted in order to drive traffic to your blog and to get people to read what you are posting everyday! So here are a few things that you can do to start getting traffic to your blog for Free!

1) First of all, you want to try to build your email list! This is the most important thing you could ever do if you are planning on making ANY money on the internet! The money lies in the list! You have a fantastic blog all set up, you are posting useful information daily, so start getting people to sign up or subscribe by adding a form on your blog! Start building your list immediately!

2) You need to submit your blog to all blog directories. Use http://pingomatic.com to ping your blog after every post you make.

3) The other ping service that you MUST use to ping your blog is http://pingoat.com. Pingoat pings to over 50 blog ping services at once for you. This way your blog is automatically pinged and you don't have to manually search for directories to ping to.

4) Submit your blog to the blog directories. Get the best and most comprehensive list from the following directories:http://www.masternewmedia.org/rss/top55/http://www.rss-feeds-directory.com/blog_lists.html

5) Next go to my.yahoo.com and set up an account if you don't already have one. Then attach your blog by setting up a feed on my.yahoo.com so that yahoo search engine will regularly spider your blog and get your blog a good ranking in yahoo. This is a real good way to get traffic to your blog!

6) Once you've done that, then go to your blog and add the following code in to let others put YOUR feed on THEIR "my yahoo" account. Can you imagine what this will do for your blog? Here's the code:"http://add.my.yahoo.com/content?url= http://www.yourblog.com/urblog.xml\"

7) Do the same thing stated in point (5) for your "http://my.msn.com" account. This will get your blog included in the MSN search engine real quick!

8)The MSN code to add on your blog just as in point (6) for yahoo would be "http://my.msn.com/addtomymsn.armx?id= rss&ut=http://www.urblogfeedaddress.com/urblog.xml"

9) Go to forums related to your blog and add your creative comments to posts. Do not mention your blog in your post as most forums do not accept self promotions. But instead, add a link to your blog in your signature. Post as many comments as possible so people will see your link in your signature and click on it. Please take note that writing comments could make or break your blog reputation. If you write useful and creative comments that would actually spark some interest in other readers, then this will help your blog traffic but if you were to go in and just add things like "I agree" or "great post" or worst some comment that is going to cause huge conflicts, then this could be very bad for your reputation and your blog traffic! 10) Place your blog on all major search engines. To do a free submission, go to http://addme.com/submission.htm , http://submitexpress.com, http://submitfire.com

11) Write articles relavant to your blog and submit them to article directories. Write at least 3 articles a day, every single day! Here are some article directories you can submit to :http://goarticles.comhttp://ezinearticles.comhttp://isnare.comhttp://articlebase.com

12) Go to other blogs that are related to yours and write comments with your blog link in your signature.

13) Add a link to your blog in your email signature. This means that every email you send out will have your blog link at the end.

14) If you have a website, then most certainly add a link to your blog on every single page of your website as you never know which page a visitor will land on your site.

15) And just as you should write articles everyday to promote your blog, you should make it a point to blog everyday. All it takes is 10 minutes to make a new post to your blog but the rewards are multiplied by 10 because search engine spiders love new content and this will make them crawl your site and get you much more traffic than you can imagine.

Now that you have the basic ways to increase traffic to your blog, you should start doing these right away. However, in order to get the latest ways in order to make tons of money just by using your blog, click on the link below and learn many many free, and most unique, never seen or tried before techniques in driving a massive load of traffic to your blog all for FREE! I was amazed at the amount of information I never even thought of, that are being used these days in blogging! Go ahead and find out for yourselves!

To Your Success!

Drive Tons On Traffic And Make Loads Of Money From Your Blog For Free

How to Increase the Content of your Blog

Daily posting in your blog is essential if you are to get visitors. Think about it from the readers' perspective for a moment. They come to your site because your information is valuable to them. But like readers of newspapers they expect more than just an occasional snippet of information. Newspapers get readers because they come out regularly and because they contain several items of information.

A newspaper does not come out only when the writers can think of something, or "every now and then". Newspapers come out every day, or every week, even if the writers get stuck. The space gets filled no matter what. The reason behind that is psychological. If your favourite newspaper changed its publication schedule willy-nilly or changed its format - two pages today, 22 pages tomorrow - you would soon give up because of the lack of consistency. And so it is with blogs; if your blog does not come out on schedule you will lose readers. So too will you lose readers if you don't write enough.

New analysis of web site traffic suggests that the best sites are publishing around 25 posts per day. That might be too much for you to manage, but blogging multiple times each day is now essential if you wish to gain high traffic levels. Yet, this sound difficult if you are only using blogging as a promotional tool. However, it can be done. Here are several strategies you can use.

1. Set up a production schedule

Instead of blogging when you feel like it, blog to a schedule. Consider how many posts you want to make - say 10 a week. Set up a schedule that works with your other commitments. Perhaps one blog every day of the week and then five on Sunday, perhaps. It doesn't matter too much exactly what you do, but by setting a schedule with deadlines you are more likely to achieve the multiple posts you need.

2. Develop theme ideas for your blog

In your planning for your blog, divide your subject into several themes. For instance, my blog, has seven themes, one for every day of the week. Monday it is about running a business online, Tuesday is blogging, Saturday is Internet shopping and so on. By establishing themes for your blog, you will find it easier to write. For instance, on Tuesdays I know it is "blogging" day, so I have to think about writing about that subject, rather than waiting for inspiration to write on any subject.

3. Set up Google Alerts for your themes

Go to Google Alerts and set up daily reports for your themes. By setting up these alerts, Google will send you an email, together with appropriate links for any new web sites, news items, or blog entries on your particular theme. That way you get notified each day about new information that could stimulate your blog writing. All you then do is look at your theme for the day, then go to your inbox and pick out the Google alerts on that theme and then see what you can write about.

4. Personalise your Google Home Page

Set Google as your home page but use the "personalise" option to add all sorts of relevant news services to it. In this way your browser will always show up to date information, blogs and other useful resources on your desired subjects. Blogger Personalised Home also allows you to set up "tabs"; you could have one for each of your themes, providing you with even more resources to trigger your writing.

5. Allow others to contribute to your blog

No matter which blogging software you use, it is possible to allow other people to contribute to your blog. By giving a trusted partner access to your blog you can get them to add content, thus increasing the value of your blog. Give your contributors themes, deadlines and word counts to achieve. That way you are sure your blog will not get repetitive, plus it will contain valuable content, rather than a one-liner and a link.

6. Invite "guest bloggers" to take part

Have a look around using Google Blogsearch for bloggers writing on the same subject as you. Then, invite them to write a "guest" entry for your blog. Give them a deadline, a topic and a word count. Tell them that all they need to do is email the text to you and that you'll post it on your blog within a day or two. Also, let them have a link to their own blog. You could also suggest you write a guest posting for their blog too, to help promote your blog.

7. Use articles from directories

Go to Ezine Articles and search for articles on your themes and topics. Copy the articles and add them to your blog, crediting the author. Contact the author and let them know you have done this - they may become a regular guest blogger or commenter for your blog.

8. Edit material from "private label" sites

Private label sites provide you with text you can use that you call your own. It's like having a permanent "ghost writer" on your team. Private label sites, such as Infogoround or Private Label Monthly allow you to take articles written by other people and include them in your blog and put your own name to them. Although this sounds great, the problem is that thousands of other web site owners do the same. This means if you use the private label content as it is, your blog will not be unique and this will help you lose ranking in search engines. However, if you take the private label material, edit it and adapt it to make it unique, your blog will benefit. Often editing material is quicker than generating it from scratch, so private label sites like these do have a place.

9. Hire a ghost writer

Get someone else to write some of your blog entries. Go to Elance and post a project for someone to write blog entries for you. You will get offers from all sorts of writers and you will be able to select the best one for your particular needs. Prices vary according to what you want, but someone who writes around 150 words a day, every day of the week for you should cost around $175 a month.

10. Pre-write your blogs

TV soap operas have their storylines set up for many months in advance. Indeed, TV schedulers will now what is happening two to three years ahead, otherwise the programmes could not be commissioned and prepared. Their way of working could be your way of working too. Devise a "schedule" of your blogs for the coming three months, say. Then spend a couple of days just writing all the blog entries you will need for that time span. All you will need to do in the coming months is copy and paste each blog entry as and when it is needed - you could even pay a junior assistant to do that for you.

So, as you can see there are several ways you can dramatically increase your blogging output. Follow these ideas and the content of your blog will rise dramatically and that will, in turn, have a significant impact on your traffic.

Internet Psychologist Graham Jones helps businesses succeed online by harnessing the power of the Internet for increased profits. By helping your company's online strategy to connect with people on the other side of the screen, Graham Jones helps you make more money online.

Amazing Things You Can Do With A Blog

What in the world is a blog and why would I want one? This is the burning question millions of people are asking themselves everyday. Sometimes three and four times a day. If you're one of those people, relief is on the way.

To start, a blog is nothing more than a website on steroids. It looks like a website, it acts like a website but it is so much more. The two biggest differences between a blog and a web site are the blogs capacity to allow people to communicate with the author easily and the cost. Web sites cost money and blogs are free. You've got to like that.

In the past, blogs had a reputation for being nothing more than on-line journals. People wrote their thoughts to a blog and posted them on the Internet using a very simple text application. Since that time humans have become much more creative with how they use their blog. And with a little help from technology companies like Google, blogs can do so much more than just text.

How are people using blogs today?
There are currently tens of millions of blogs on the Internet today with thousands more going up every hour. People are using blogs to:

Journal their thoughts and ideas
Record their dreams
Post their photography
Create an interactive community where people can collaborate on their projects
Promote family reunions
Position themselves as experts in their field
Write books and have their material critiqued by interested readers
Sell their products and services
Promote themselves and their projects
Survey their readers
As a substitute for newsletters and bulletins
Sell sex. You knew that was coming
And a million other things.

With a blog you can do virtually everything you can do with a website. The difference is you can do it by yourself and you can do it for free. It's that easy, thanks to tools like Blogger from Google.

The most amazing aspect of a blog is that you can create a web presence that would have cost you thousands of dollars just a few years ago. And I'm talking about a web presence that is loaded with technology. Here are just a few of the things you can do to jazz up your blog.

Blogging Software
When you're ready to create your blog, the first thing you must do is set up an account with a blog hosting company. The two biggest blog platforms are Wordpress and Google Blogger. I use them both. But when it comes to ease of use and cost, nothing comes close to Blogger. Blogger is completely free and it does not require a technician to set it up. Once you get your free Blogger account you have a blog on the Internet in less than four minutes.

With your blog you can do amazing things. For example, Google makes it easy for you to add video to your Google Blogger blog. If you have a digital camera, all you have to do is upload your video to your computer, edit it using the free Movie Maker software on your Windows operating system and upload it to Google Video. You can even upload it right from your blog.

Slide Shows
This is my mom's favorite thing to do. She uses slide shows on her blog and sends them to her children and friends. The new slide show software is fantastic and it's free. Your photos look more like a slide video than they do a slide show. They include music, voice over and more.

Credit Cards
In the past it was a hassle to accept credit cards on your website. Today, thanks to Paypal, you can accept credit cards on your blog with no start-up cost, no merchant cost and no monthly fee. All you pay is 30 cents per transaction and 3% of the sale. It's so simple you can do it yourself.

Maps and Directions
Do you want to create a map to direct people to your business? If so, Google Maps is the answer. With Google Maps you can create both a map and written directions to your business from anywhere in the world. Once you create your map it's just a matter of adding it to your blog.

After cartoons, games are the second most common reasons people visit blogs and websites. Google offers another service know as Google Gadgets and it is loaded with games like Tetris, Chess, Sudoko, Frogger and many others that you can add to your blog to encourage visitors. It's addictive.

I've only scratched the surface with what you can do with a blog. If you have a computer with an Internet connection and the ability to read and type, you can create a web presence that will make you proud. Give it a try.

If you want to learn more about building a blog, visit Bob Sommers at TakeOnTheNet.com. He will show you where to find all the software necessary to create and promote your blog. You can also listen to Bob Sommers on his Recognized Expert Marketing Show.

10 Steps to Effective Pre Blogging

Before we even begin creating a blog, there are 10 steps that is required of you to do and only these are the steps that many bloggers tend to forget and think there are a hassle to do since they just want to start and make money quickly from "blogging", so the steps that they always do is wrong.

1. Choose a blog platform blogger or wordpress

2. Choose domain name that is close to the related topic

3. Post about 5 post witin the first day and gradually reduce to zero

4. Could not find another topic to talk about

5. Find that blogging is hard and giveup totally

If this is similiar to what you are doing then i suggest you think about changing the steps you are doing.

10 Tips you need to create a successful blog

A new blogger who wants to be successful should always learn their ropes from an experience blogger. It is always smart that you read and subscribe to their rss feed for tips on the niche you like to blog as well.

These are the 10 tips that you should adopt to become the next effective blogger of your niche.

1. Research and gather information on your niche that you are blogging and whether it is what you love to blog about. it should be a topic that you are fairly good at.

2. Use domain tracker for the keyword you like for your new domain name, don't use hyphens in between and try to keep it below 15 letters.

3. Even if you are on Blogger or wordpress which uses sub domains, try to purchase a domain so that you look more professional to your users.
4. Don't start your first post yet, instead continue reading on niche bloggers tips, subscribe to their rss feed for updates, continue to gather information and tips.

5. Now you have a list of bloggers who can provide you with many tips on how you can start blogging better for your niche. Start building your 5 pillar contents(articles have more than 500 words).

6. After your 5 pillar articles is established it is time to push your article out to social media sites and also on blogcarnivals. Drop emails to other bloggers, introduce yourself and let them know of your presence in the blogsphere.

7. Start commenting on blogs you frequently and just do it and keep posting constructive comments.

8. Rewrite those post that you have commented in your words for your following post.

9. Go to ezinearticles to search for the articles which you can start as topic, jot the keywords down and create a title, save it as a draft.

10. Write post that creates a list or howto and tutorial guides which you can use for linkbaiting.

Are you working towards these 10 steps to become the next pro blogger in your niche field? You can subscribe to my Rss Feed for more Information and tips on how to blog better.

Etienne Teo is an Author,blogger,Internet marketer. I make money online and i would like to share this wealth of knowledge with you and join me in my quest of making money online. Etienne will like to invite you to join his Subscription List to get updated information on how to increase your income online at http://www.etienneteo.com/

5 Reasons You Must Add A Graphic Or Photo To A Blog Post

When you write a blog post, there are a number of things that can be done to make it stand out and catch the attention of your readers. A well-written blog post is the first thing on that list almost every time. However, there are a dozen or more other things that can take very little time and multiply not only your exposure but the quality of readership on your blog.

The number one thing on that list is the addition of graphics and photos to each and every post you write. It may seem like a small addition, but without a visual addition, many blogs look stale and overly wordy. The last thing you want is for your visitors to think your blog looks wordy.

Break up Your Text
Text may be the crux of any successful blog, but it can quickly become the enemy if it gets out of hand. A well-written blog post does not merely combine mountains of text into a coherent narrative. It needs to offer breaks, bullet points, and plenty of white space to keep the reader enticed.

If there is too much text and not enough visual relief, it will seem more like work to read the post. The absolute last thing any blogger wants is for a blog reader to approach their blog as though it is work. Readers will eventually stop reading and forget to come back. Be engaging and most of all be simple. Images make this much easier to accomplish.

Get More Links
Gaining links to your blog from other websites and blogs is the best way to grow traffic, search rankings, and page rank. In short, if other bloggers like your website, they will tell their readers and you become more popular. While good posts and exclusive information are going to get you the most possible links back to your site, images and graphics can make your site that much more visible to fellow bloggers.

Not only will it stand out when they visit, they will create a map with which another blogger can link back to your site. They can reuse your photos on their site, causing your website to index higher, and associating readers with your site.

Engage Your Visitors
Not only do pictures and graphics break up the text on a page, they engage a reader to a far greater extent than text ever can. The old adages about pictures being more valuable than any amount of words holds doubly true for the Internet as your audience has an extremely short attention span. You have about 3 seconds to grab their attention before they click to another website.

If, for some reason, your headline or first paragraph fails to do this, your pictures very well might. Additionally, well-created, relevant photos remind your visitors of your posts, and may even be reposted on other websites if they are particularly funny or interesting. People respond to images. Take advantage of that and you can increase your readership.

Create a Storyline
One of the more entertaining aspects of using images on your blog is the ability it gives you to create a compelling narrative for your visitors. You can find humorous or poignant images to punctuate specific lines of text on your page and create an immediate link with your visitors to a specific line of thought you might have. You may write multiple posts about the same topic over time.

What better way to remind visitors that they already read a previous installment than using the same image in a humorous way. You engage your reader more in the narrative of your posts and create a closer connection with them. The better a connection you can create between you and your readers, the more likely they are to return again and again.

Show Your Creativity
If you are a blogger, you are no doubt a creative soul. Do not let yourself be pigeon holed by the limitations of text. Be as creative as possible with your images. Creating graphics or images for a post can be both fun for you and entertaining for your visitors. Not only that, but the more you show your readers that you are creative and interesting, the more likely they will be to bookmark your blog and come back, hoping to find more of your trademark antics and creativity.

Adding an image to a blog, especially in the age of Blogger simplicity, can be a quick and easy way to greatly increase your visibility to potential readers. Your fellow bloggers will be impressed and express that by linking to you. Your readers will be entertained and continue to return to your site, and your traffic will increase as you grow your visibility in search engines.

Find dozens of sites with royalty free photos for a blog at TakeOnTheNet.com. Most are free and some cost as little as a dollar. You can also find the answers to all of your blogging questions at our Blogger Help, Blogger Support forum

10 Things You Can Do to Get People to Comment on Your Blog

For the blogging community, a comment is a badge of sorts. Every comment you receive represents one person that, regardless of whether they agree with your ideas or not, read your post and felt strongly enough to respond to them. Comments can make even the most jaded of bloggers feel fuzzy inside. So, how does a new blogger start turning those dozens of posts into a field of comments and discussion? It can seem hard at first, but there are a few steps you can take right away that will increase your readers' willingness to speak up.

Invite Comments
For whatever reason, if you ask your readers to leave a comment on your post, they will be immediately more willing to do so. This is just a natural response that the human brain tends to have. People are often in a hurry, or have multiple things on their mind. They might fully enjoy your post, but as soon as they are done, click to something else. If you ask them to comment, it serves as a subtle reminder that they should join in the conversation.

Open Ended Posts
Even if you are an expert on a topic, don't try to share every possible detail in one post. Be as open ended as possible and leave a few points for your readers to share. This takes a little bit of the humility mentioned below. If you can keep from throwing every fact you've ever read about a specific topic into one post, your readers will not have to think about something to say in response.

Ask Lots of Questions
The obvious way to get responses is to ask a question. If you ask your readers what they think about a topic, or for specific people to give their opinion on a lifestyle, you will get more responses. For example, if your blog is about TV shows and you ask a question such as "What shows did you enjoy in the past that are similar to The Simpsons", you will get many more comments than if you said "I enjoy old shows like All in the Family, because it is like The Simpsons". Engage your readers by addressing them directly.

Respond to Existing Comments
If someone comments, respond to it. Even if the comment is short and not particularly deep, a quick response can show that you are always paying attention and willing to engage in conversation with your readers. That commenter is now much more likely to comment again.

Setting Rules
Most blogging platforms such as Blogger do not have a built in set of rules for comments. The comments section is left open by default and you can make changes to it if you desire. Try creating a commenting policy and posting it on your page somewhere. This may seem like it would lower comments, but by describing what is allowed, readers with potential comments they might not have been willing to share initially are more likely to comment.

Show Some Humility
Don't try to know everything all the time. Be humble and show that you are aware of your own shortcomings, failings and holes in your knowledge. Don't be self-defacing, but be willing to say "I don't really know much about this, but I had a thought". The best part about blogging is that it gives readers and writers a chance to interact on an equal, real time level. If visitors want to read the opinions of those who feel they are always right, they could buy a book or pick up a newspaper.

It's a gamble, and you can go too far, but if you want to breed new comments on your page quickly, pick a controversial topic and make a statement. This does mean you need to become political or religious. You could simply say that you disliked a popular movie. Anytime a blogger disagrees with popular opinion, comments skyrocket. Just be prepared to stand up for your opinion and to do it gracefully.

Graciousness, Admit When You Are Wrong
If you make a mistake and someone writes a comment pointing out that mistake, try to accept their comment and admit your mistake. It is very easy to become defensive and angry on the Internet where you have no personal contact with your readers. However, by showing that you graciously accept someone else's comments and opinions, you show humility and increase the likeliness of return visitors and readers.

Don't Make it Hard to Comment
Blogger has an option that allows you to require a login for the posting of comments. This is too much work. If you require a login, many people will decide against commenting altogether, especially if they need to sign up for a new account to do so. Instead of requiring login information, you can set your comments for approval before they post. This allows you to sort out comments and delete spam if necessary.

Make It Worth Their While
If you offer a reward for a good comment, you not only encourage repeat comments, you encourage better comments. Mark especially good comments with a comment of your own, or reference them in a new post. This draws attention to your readers and shows you are reading what they say.

If you want to grow your readership and comments section, the best thing you can do is to be involved and pay attention to what your readers have to say. Do these things and you will start to see your comment spaces fill up in no time.

Learn to blog with Google Blogger Tutorials. Over 100 videos available on the Internet to show you how to create and promote your blog. Add audio, video, slide shows, text, photos, credit cards and more. Best blog training on the planet.

Reveiw: Employee Training

The average company invests hundreds of thousands of dollars training their employees. Training has become a major expense, and the 'secret to success' for most small businesses. It doesn't matter where the business is, or what industry it is engaged in. Training is necessary.

The days of sending employees to workshops and company conferences is quickly dying away. More and more businesses are turning to employee training and development programs offered by the professionals. These programs are vital to success. Many of them are taught by professional life coaches, Public Relations Experts, and Gurus in different fields.

The right trainers provides better trained employees than forcing middle management to try and motivate and train employees who really don't want to attend a training meeting.

Another benefit to training from a company like marastar is that the employee can train on their own time. They can make the training fit their schedule, instead of forcing them to leave a deadline, or miss a meeting, to attend mandatory training meetings.

One advantage that Marastar uses is a definitely 'non corporate' training platform. They use visual aids, such as cartoons, to imprint the corporate message on the employee's brains. They have a full list of topics including sales training, customer service, personal achievement, call handling, reducing toxic communication and behavior in the office, motivation and recognition, and office professionalism.

The full range of courses make Marastar a ‘one stop’ corporate training center for any company that doesn’t have hundreds of thousands to invest in training, or who are not large enough to host their own training school on blackboard or Moodle. The important thing to remember is that training is only as good as management’s attitude to it.

There is always a solution to any problem. Marastar has built a platform designed to help small business owners solve their training problems.

I thank Marastar for offering to sponsor this post.

7 Reasons Why Blogger Is Better Than Wordpress

New blog writers everywhere are faced with a serious dilemma when they first reach the Internet and must decide which blogging platform is best for their new website. There are actually dozens of options on the market, ranging from the basic blog settings of the social networks to the self-hosted open sources software solutions.

However, for most new bloggers and those who don't want to pay for their blog, the choice boils down to one of two websites: Blogger and Wordpress. These two services have become synonymous in recent years with the blogging phenomenon, making up a massive percentage of the Internet's most popular blogs. For that reason, there has been a bit of discussion over which service is better.

Provided here is a solid answer to that question once and for all, 7 reasons why Blogger is in fact better than Wordpress. These comparisons relate to the free accounts available from both Blogger and Wordpress.

Integrated Login with Your Google Account
With the ability to easily connect all of your Google accounts, this is a big plus for Blogger. Many of the most useful features for a website are offered by Google, including AdSense, AdWords, and Webmaster tools for Google indexing. Instead of adding code into your templates, something that can quickly become confusing and result in broken websites, Blogger allows you to simply click a button and integrate AdSense or banners into your site.

This allows you to use the same login information for all Google services and that sets Blogger a few steps ahead. Wordpress is an open sources solution, meaning that all extra services must be manually integrated into your blog after you have signed up for your account.

Backed up by Google
Along the same lines, Blogger has the backing of the largest and most powerful Internet Company in the world. For some this might seem like a negative, but it means the most money and development time can be placed into creating new features for Blogger that Wordpress may need to wait for. Historically, features such as widgets, add-ons, and templates have been enhanced first by Blogger. Wordpress is usually a step or two behind the curve. For the best features as they are developed, Blogger is the winner.

Change Visual Appearance and Code of Templates
Blogger's options for making changes to the visual composition of your blog are numerous and easy to use, something that Wordpress has had problems maintaining in the past. In Blogger, there are a number of pre-built templates as well as thousands more available from any number of websites. Simply copy and paste them into your blog's template page and you have a new look. Additionally, the style sheets and HTML code for your template (if you are willing to do so) can easily be changed and enhanced to suit your specific needs.

Indexing Time
Whether it is because of the link with Google or because of the sheer volume of Blogger blogs, your posts will be indexed in the Search Engines much quicker with Blogger. Usually within a few hours of posting your newest page will appear, allowing you to receive the most traffic as quickly as possible. This is especially important as most blogs strive to talk about the newest and most relevant news as it breaks. If that news does not index for two days, it will already be old when people start to read your posts.

Ease of Use
Blogger is truly a plug and play design for a new blog owner. Signing up takes seconds, allowing users to use their Google login and asking only for a few basic pieces of information such as blog title and description. From there, blog posts can be typed up and entered with two or three clicks and are automatically indexed. For newcomers to the blogosphere especially, Blogger is the best choice when it comes to ease of use.

Integration of Multiple Accounts
Blogger makes it easy to view all of your blogs via a dashboard feature that links directly to your Google login. When you login, all of your blogs will display, with one-click options to post, edit, or alter posts. The number of blogs and accounts available is nearly endless and makes blogging on multiple topics easier than ever.

Massive Blogging Network
Because Blogger is the first stop for many new bloggers, it is also among the largest blogging networks in the world. The millions of blogs already created in Blogger are helpful to the new member as well because of how Google has integrated their search features into the site. Not only can visitors search Blogger blogs via the search bar at the top of the page, they can click "random" or "next blog" to visit a different Blogger blog. This increases your exposure by directly connecting you with existing blogs. And if you decide to hide this feature, you can do that too in Blogger.

Ultimately, Blogger is an ideal solution for anyone who is just starting their first blog. It is also a great platform for those who are serious about blogging, but do not want to hire a technician to set them up and make regular adjustments to their blog. It is easy to use, quick to start, and offers a host of features that the free Wordpress blog and its other competitors do not.

Learn to blog with Google Blogger Tutorials. Over 100 videos available on the Internet to show you how to create and promote your blog. Add audio, video, slide shows, text, photos, credit cards and more. Best blog training on the planet.

7 Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed

When you start writing your first blog on a site like Blogger or any of the dozen other free blogging platforms available, your first thought will likely be, "How do I get people to notice my blog?" It is a perfectly good question and one that millions of bloggers ask themselves every day. After all, with more than 85 million active blogs online at any given time and more than 100,000 new blogs created every day, how do you stand out as worthy of attention.

There are a number of different ways you can make yourself stand out from the pack. Blogging is a unique form of expression because it allows every individual to approach it from their own angle. Combining quality writing with a handful of technical tasks that will increase your visibility, you can start reaching the millions of daily blog readers that are online every day.

Be Unique
Your angle will undoubtedly be different from almost everyone else's. Allow that unique perspective to bleed through your writing and your blog can be very successful. Even with half of the computer owning population reading blogs on a daily basis, there is only so much time to spend reading new blogs. For that reason alone, you need to stand out from the other writers in more than one way. If you write about Formula 1 racing and copy the topics from existing, larger blogs, why would anyone want to read your your blog? Think of a new angle and draw in new readers with that perspective.

You must write on a consistent basis to attract attention and keep it. It does you no good to attract a dozen new readers with one blog post and then leave them wondering where you went because you fail to write your next post for more than a week. Consistency helps in other ways as well. If you post new content on a daily basis, Google will index your site more often and you will appear higher in search rankings. Blogger lists recent posts in its own search listings which you will then appear at the top of more often. Write more often and you will be seen.

Controversial Content
This is a tricky topic, especially for some individuals. However, you can count on getting more readership and being noticed by more online outlets if you are controversial with what you have to say. This does not mean you should be rude or openly hostile. Speak your mind and say what you believe unapologetically but do not be a jerk.

Comment on Other Blogs
Everyone wants to receive comments on their posts. After you complete your first blog post, you will probably sit and stare at the comments section wondering where your first comment is; and when it arrives, you will no doubt visit the website of whoever leaves it. The same is true for your fellow bloggers. They are not your competition so much as your peers. If you read their work, they will read yours. And if they like your content, they will link to it and share it with their readers. It's an online domino effect, but you have to start the process.

Discuss Topics with Your Readers
Be engaged with your readers and you will keep them coming back for more. If a reader leaves a comment on your page, visit their blog, respond to their comment and try to think of a way to write about their site in one of your own posts. By integrating your readers into your posts, your blog becomes a collaborative effort rather than a singular endeavor. Your readers feel involved and other blog owners take notice.

Integrate New Ideas and Technologies
The more new ideas you can squeeze into your posts, the better. This means that when a new add-on or widget becomes available that suits your site, take advantage of it. Talk about new technologies, email other site owners and use their new additions to the fullest. Blogger and most other services allow you to add on features to your blog quickly and easily. Use this feature and you will start to see increased interaction with your site by your visitors.

Take Advantage of Every Tool at Your Disposal
There are dozens of websites and directories online that list blogs like yours. These websites index topics, tags, and recent posts for searchers and visitors to sort through and can get you a fair share of high volume traffic if you use them properly. Ping your blog to the major blog directories such as Technorati and Pingoat. These services will list your blog in their directories, include your categories and tags for searching and when you sign up for an account, list your profile for readers to see. There are dozens of websites that offer these services.

To be noticed online, you need only expend the extra bit of effort necessary to gain the momentum needed for new readers and blog owner attention to shift to you. Use these methods and you can guarantee a flock of new readers coming your way.

Find dozens of sites that will promote your blog for free at TakeOnTheNet.com. Or get access to over 100 Google Blogger Videos produced by Bob Sommers and learn how to create and promote your own free blog. It's the quickest and easiest way to get a free website on the Internet

Review: VOip Phone

You are in business. Even if you are only making a small income from your blog. The purpose of the blog is to generate revenue. However, generating revenue is not always about having money coming into the business. Sometimes, it can mean saving money.

There are many tools on the net to save money, sometimes those who are closest to them overlook them the most often. One of these services is the Internet phone. It uses the same phones as your land-line. It often has more features, at less cost. It is as reliable as a land-line. 911 works on VOip phones. The main difference? Unlimited long distance anywhere in North America. At any time. This is not a plan.

Because the VOip phones use Internet cables to make phones PC2PC, PC2home phones, or home phones 2 PC - it doesn't matter. You can even use the same phone number from different computers.

We use or ordinary wireless telephone, hooked up to the modem, and get unlimited phone for $40 a month.

There are many services, the important thing is to pick a reliable one, not hook up with a broker or middle man.

The quality of a voip call matches land-lines, but only with a good company. Some telecommunications companies such as Advanced Communications & Maintenance, Inc. sells, implements and supports digital phone systems (VOip), voice messaging systems, both business and residential voice/data cabling, and telecommunication accessories.

This is one of the resources that all small businesses need to add to their office. Having a business phone is vital to the success of a business. And a VOip phone lets you answer your messages from any computer, anywhere in the world. That is because they are saved on a server.

Each service has different options - including number blocking, call forwarding, message retrieval - if the service is available from ATNT or Bell - then it is available from a VOip provider.

This post is my thoughts and my comments. I thank Advanced Communications & Maintenance for offering to sponsor this post.

Blogger or Wordpress? - the Winner Is..

If you do some surfing around the web, you will probably find that a majority of people advocate WordPress than Blogger.

Do you know why?

WordPress has an almost rabid following because it is built for 'Web 2.0'. It comes with the inherent ability for users to utilize third party plugins, as well as tiny add-on programs called widgets. These add-ons enhance the functionality of the blog and make it better looking. If you do a search on Google for WordPress widgets, you may come back with a few days worth of data.

So if WordPress has so many cool plugins and widgets, then why do I recommend Blogger. The answer is not complicated. I am looking for traffic from the search engines and in particular visitors from Google. Since Google owns Blogger, I think we would be simple minded not to make an educated guess that they give Blogspot.com blogs more search engine oomph. To me that is what it is all about.

Also, it is so simple to produce blogs using Blogger. Even a person with no prior blogging knowledge can have a blog set up within 10 minutes. It is also extremely straightforward to add Google AdSense to Blogger blogs, while it can be a challenge on WordPress blogs. Once you have gotten your AdSense publisher ID, you just click a link to add an AdSense block to your blog and you can start earning income.

So the selection is clear-cut, if you want a more aesthetically pleasing blog, then go with WordPress. If you want a blog that you can throw up easily and quickly, get boat loads of traffic and make some quick AdSense money, then go with Blogger.

There are now some excellent software tools available, that let you set up and administrate multiple Blogger blogs from one central location. This makes it much simpler to monetize your efforts with Blogger.

Scott Scales is the developer of Easy Blogger Creator Pro. Find out how you can earn money blogging.

7 Things You Can Do to Write a Blog That Readers Will Read

When you first start writing you blog, it will be a work in progress. You may feel that you know your topic right away and that your content will follow a certain theme for months to come, but most people start to change their topics and adjust their perspectives as they receive reader feedback and see what is most effective in drawing in new readers.

After all, your primary goal, no matter what you decide to write about, is to draw in new readers. That is why it is important that you do everything in your power to grow the number of readers you can attract on a daily basis.

Use Humor
Unless the topic you decide to write about relates to third world poverty or AIDs relief, try to spice up your blog posts with a little bit of comedy. If you have read a successful blog, you will see the power that a truly humorous writer has over his or her readers. It can be astounding.

Moreover, even if you write a powerful, rhetorically amazing blog post, it may not entice your readers to pass it on to a friend or leave a comment. They may just quietly agree with you, happy that someone was able to put their own thoughts into words. However, if you do it humorously, they will remember your words and repeat them to a friend. Humor creates repeat visitors and word of mouth conversation, two things any successful blogger wants to have on their side.

Make it Visually Appealing
Many blog writers get so carried away with the text on their site they forget to break it up and add a few images and some lists. White space is an online writer's best friend. It makes the blog post look less intimidating; it gives a sense of freedom to the reader and with a few pictures involved, can be that much more entertaining. Use images, an eye-friendly color scheme, and try not to over use text in clunky paragraphs.

Focus on a Specific Topic
Many people start their first blog with a single thought in mind and write about anything that pertains to their lives. This online diary format is perfectly well suited for anyone interested in sharing their lives with the world. However, if you want to grow readership and keep that readership, you need to focus on one or two topics.

You need a niche that you can excel in. Writing five articles a week on five different topics will only attract five new visitors looking for different content. Three articles a week from a unique perspective written about a single topic will attract countless readers who will continually return to your site for more articles about the same topic.

Contact Other Writers Within Your Topic
Bloggers have their own community and most writers will help you out in getting started. If you find that you have a particularly entertaining blog that you read often that pertains to your own, contact the owner and ask them how they interact with their readers. Comment on their blog and see what topics they write about. Learn from those that come before you, they have already found success.

Use Reader Feedback to Improve Your Blog
Ask your readers what they think and take their opinions into consideration as much as possible. Read and respond to comments, talk to them through the context of your posts and find out what worked or did not work for a given post. Google Blogger is one of the largest reader communities in the world. Take advantage of those readers and get to know their thoughts.

Create Themes and Columns
Weekly columns on an ongoing topic can be very popular if well written. Series of articles or blog posts or thematic content can also draw in readers. Some of the most successful blogs on the Internet started with a thematic gimmick such as a list or series of opinions and sprouted outward. Just because you start your blog with a series of articles entitled "101 Things to Read on a Desert Island" does not mean you cannot write about other literature or desert island related topics.

Be Provocative
The more provocative and controversial your content is, the more people will read and comment on it. The unfortunate down side to this advice is that many of your new readers will not return, especially if they are angered by your opinions. However, the readers who agree with you will become vehement defenders of your blog. Try visiting a popular political blog. The devoted readers often defend the writer automatically, reading every post and responding to any negative comments. Be careful with how you approach this method though. You do not want to be rude or angry just for the sake of being rude and angry.

To gain readership for your blog, you need to be unique. You need to stand out and show that your content is unlike anything else on the Internet. If you write with a humorous voice, say something that no one else is saying, and remain loyal to your readership, your blog can become extremely popular.

Learn to blog with Google Blogger Tutorials. Over 100 videos available on the Internet to show you how to create and promote your blog. Add audio, video, slide shows, text, photos, credit cards and more. Best blog training on the planet.

Blogging: a Distinct Social Impact

Blogging has diligently progressed to the forefront of digital communication in a historically expeditious rate of speed. As early as 1983, threads of message boards dotted the internet with newsworthy postings, including the infamous World Wide Web. By 1994, some were using the web as their daily diary or sounding board.* People began to pay attention. By 1997, these personal homepages became sources of news. Who are we listening to out in cyberspace? It is true that most believe what they read or see on television. After all, these people have our best interest at heart! Don’t they? Or is there an agenda they serve of their own? The dangers of a world of information and socializing through blogging can leave a questionable impact that’s left to be decided.

The daily diaries of 1997 soon spread from journals of self-satisfying thoughts to a belief that people were actually interested in things they said. And many were. The web world grew from personal blogging to videos, thus the webcam. Soon the legal and corporate world began to hire bloggers. The question remained in some of our eyes, what kind of person would post their life for all to see? Or was it their life they were posting?

The immediate fears of children and teens in the blogging world are an ongoing debate. In the eyes of the teen, cyberspace has become a text heaven, taking the place of baby boomers talking on the phone. In the eyes of the parent, the teen is foreboding prey of the parasites feeding on the innocent lying in wait on the end of a text from a “friend” accepted. The law seems to stay one step behind the predator in these cases and children stay one step in front of the parent in finding the scum. The latest threat to servers funneling porn into our lives for not reporting the culprit sets them back about $300,000.00, while the child porn business is a $5 billion business. with 95% of their customers from the U.S.** This social impact that has taken the younger generation into places their parents never thought of falling is all brought to us by the wonderful world of blogging.

In our latest Presidential race, blogging has given the voting public a progressive, new look at candidates they never considered in the past. Overnight, Ron Paul became a viable candidate, when most didn’t recognize his name the day before. Isn’t this a questionable way to choose a person we are to trust with our country? If enough people get on the web and blog an interest, I could become President. People are too busy to research candidates themselves, so they take the word of bloggers, who may also be the predators that are on your children’s bedroom computers.

In defense of the world we have created on the web, we have the opportunity to learn, prosper, and discover the world at our fingertips. Students have a wealth of knowledge, while we can stay at home and do everything from graduate from college to shop at our favorite stores. The positives are abundant and obvious, while the negatives hide and pop out at us while we enjoy the good.

We’ve grown full circle from allowing television the right to tell us what to believe, where to shop, and what to buy. We now have any Tom, Dick, or Harry into our lives by means of the web, as we shop and educate ourselves and think we are minding our own business. Blogging is a distinct and valid social impact on the world and decidedly so. The positive aspect is there are signs of boredom in the blogging world; soon there will be another source for the intruder. Maybe one day we will have a mind of our own and use it.

By: Lynn O`Neil
Edited By: Bruce A. Tucker

Carmen Lynn O`Neil is a freelance writer and wrote this article for http://www.indocquent.com/, an online resource that allows businesses to post their products for sale on over 20,000 blogs throughout 200 countries around the world.You can inquire about Lynn O`Neil `s writing services via email at crumlynn@hotmail.com.

Social Respect and the Blogosphere

Junior high was a trying time for most of us. Our popularity was based upon our approval by our peers. Sometimes, that popularity was justified, sometimes not. Often folks gained popularity for all the wrong reasons while those of us on the unpopular side were rejected despite our good traits.

Much the same kind of treatment exists in the world of blogging. Except instead of being judged quickly by 12 year olds, a bloggers ideas and popularity are judged by a cast of thousands from all walks of life and all around the globe. Popular bloggers range from the socially graceful to the socially awkward, but their words are valued by a much larger audience.

Blogs (short for "web logs") are collections of articles typically centered around a subject area posted by an individual or group of individuals. In the beginning these web logs were intended to communicate simple change information for the host site. They were not a destination in and of themselves.

Since the beginning, these "blogs" have become sources of rich commentary, biting cynicism and good humor. Many blogs are casual musings of the site owner. But to a few, writing blogs has become a full time job -- and to a growing few, a very well paid full time job.

Take for example, Kevin Kelly`s Cool Tools. kk.org began as a place for a well respected author and social commentator to post information on tools he liked to use -- kitchen tools, garden tools, gadgets, etc. Now, Cool Tools is a trusted source, a place folks can go to research the "best of the best." Other popular blogging sites have similar stories. Jalopnik.com, Engadget.com, Instapundit.com just to name a few. Blogs are typically written for people who know the site owner personally, but they have grown to make experts out of these folks -- folks whose opinions and words are validated by the community of the internet.

Which brings up a great feature of the new generation of blogs: accountability and peer review. In the scientific community, peer review is of utmost importance. When a researcher makes progress on an important medical advance, for example, the progress is verified by other researchers in his or her field. The same is with blogging, except in addition to other experts in the field, the blog content is verified by the internet community at large through comments or other blogs. Blogs in effect police themselves. If many people find the information in a blog useful and true, the blog gets promoted, praised and referenced.

So, can folks really make a living writing blogs? Oh yes. Through advertising and traffic and the magic of advertising services such as Google, blog sites can rake in copious amounts of money. If a person is a respected blogger, traffic to his or her site can generate hundreds or thousands of dollars per month in ad revenue. Using tools such as Google AdSense and AdWords, the blogger can imbed links to related sites. Readers visit the blog, notice the ads that are related to the article they are reading and click.

If you are an expert in a field and already publish papers and/or articles to a group of peers, you are well on your way to becoming a successful blogger. If you are a respected member of a large fan base, you too can blog about the things you love and potentially make some extra cash. Or you may just end up living through the Junior High of the internet and blog all day long to no one interested.

Carmen Robert G Geter, Jr. is a freelance writer and wrote this article for http://www.indocquent.com/, an online resource that allows businesses to post their products for sale on over 20,000 blogs throughout 200 countries around the world.You can inquire about Robert G Geter, Jr. `s writing services via email at ggeter@gmail.com.

Business Funding

Even work at home freelance businesses come to the point where they need growth capital. I've applied for business loans, and currently have a $20 000 line of credit. As long as you use the money well, it is possible to use debt to build wealth. I have always worked with a bank, but if I had to do it again I would have worked in a joint venture.

There are FREE sites where you can network with people who have money to invest. There is no pressure. You pitch your idea to the investors and wait until you build a comfortable raport with the right investor.

Startup funding is available for anyone who has a good idea. Everyone here has a good idea, and the skills needed to take their business to the next level...but do they have the bravado?

This post is my thoughts, but is generously sponsored by go4funding.com

Do You Believe In Blogging For Business?

Blogs have been tagged as helping business as far as the marketing aspect is concerned. However, it still remains that brainstorming and strategic thinking are key components as well. On how to integrate blogging and business is a talent that only bloggers and businessmen can understand and execute.

It goes without saying that maintaining a blog is a good idea for the health of your business. Have you ever asked yourself Why? Being familiar with how blogs work and how to effectively utilize them for the health and wealth of your business will pay you back substantially for your efforts. Ineffective Blogging will simply waste your time, efforts, and this tremendous marketing tool.

Why does your business need a Blog? Credibility would be a good answer. Posting about news in your industry, links you'd recommend to topics related to your industry or post valuable information from the inside or your personal experiences, your readers will see you not only as a valuable information source but as a community minded business.

Blogs are great for your customers.They're not seen the same as your basic website or sales page. Postings are usually informal. At times entertaining yet informative. Their accuracy and effectiveness will peak the interest of your readers, establish you as an Expert, and build trust between you and your readers.

Having the ability to offer subscriptions to your blog through sources like http://bloglet.com, your readers can simply opt to recieve notices of your most recent postings, delivered directly to their inboxes. Provided your postings remain relevant to your readers wants and needs, they'll continually come to you first.

If you set up your blog to accept comments, this will give your readers the ability to post feedback on your posts. This will give you valuable insight and ideas regarding your next product or project.

How to build traffic with your blog. Your blog provider may provide potential readers the option of a search box. This tool gives the reader the ability to search for a particular blog using a word or phrase. By using those particular words or phrases in your title you'll boost your chances for acquiring some targeted traffic.

With a blog, you can easily brand yourself as an expert in your subject area and promote yourself all over the net. Blogs have taken a life of its own, and there are many blog directories springing to life.

Each blog directory is classified according to various topics of interest, and you can submit your blog to the major blog directories.

You can then easily attract readers to your area of specialization, and slowly brand yourself as the expert from the many readers who visit these blog directories each day.

Search engine will rank your web site higher if you have a blog on your site. This is because search engine "spider bots" like fresh content, and with a blog, you can just spend 5 - 10 mins per day posting what you want to share for that day and that's it.

Do that on a consistent basis, and the search engine spider bots will come back to your site more often. Having a blog on your own site is so simple my 9 year old cousin can do it, and you will learn how in my multimedia course.

Blogs allow you to build and foster a closer relationship with your visitors and readers, building trust and rapport. Blogs allow readers to post comments, and it promotes interaction.

Jon Caldwell is a regular blogger. You can check out his blogs at http://www.bloggy-links.com/bloggy-linkscat/bloggy-links.php

5 Must Have Add-Ons for a Blogger Blog and Where to Find Them

When you first sign up for a blog on a site like Blogger, there is a wide variety of options made available that allow you to reach out to your readers. From customizable templates to imbedded videos, audio and advertising, the new blogger seemingly has the world at his or her fingertips. That warm and fuzzy feeling eventually starts to wear off though as new ideas pop up that may not be immediately covered by Blogger's built-in features.

Luckily, Blogger and essentially any other blogging platform allows its writers to add any number of open source add-ons to their blogs for enhanced features and interaction with readers.

The single greatest thing you can do for your blog is turn it into a profitable outlet for your daily writing. Google's very own AdSense add-on is one of the easiest and most effective ways to do this. The best part is that it is incredibly easy to add AdSense to your blog through the interface provided by Google in Blogger.

All you need to do is sign up for an AdSense account using the same login ID you currently use for Blogger. Go to the template page of Blogger where you will find a visual layout of your site. Click on any of the "Add a Page Element" links on the page and you will be asked how big you would like your ads to be, how many to place, and what background colors they will have. It is quick and easy and integrates directly into your account.

The templates page is a great place to find and make a great deal of changes to your blog, the best and most visible impressive add-on being a new template. The code for your template can be located here, within the Template tag of your blog settings. To change your template, all you need to do is find a new one that you like and copy the code.

While Blogger comes with a couple dozens templates already installed, there are thousands more options available almost anywhere you look on the Internet. So, despite what Blogger may want your site to look like, you can make almost any changes you want, assuming you can find someone who has built a template to match your desired look.

Subscribe to Comments - by email
This simple add-on can be found within Blogger's own Buzz page, the company blog that announces new changes and updates to their website and services. To find it, look for it just below your list of blogs on your dashboard.

This new add-on makes it easy for you to stay in the conversation loop after you comment on a post. Blogger now gives you the opportunity to receive an email every time someone comments on the same post. This way, if you ask a question of the post author, you will get instant notification of their response without having to check back on their blog. To use this feature you will need to have a Google account which will insure that someone else can't provide your email causing your to receive email that you didn't request.

Amazon Widgets
Another great way to make a few dollars from your writing, Amazon widgets allow you install links to products on Amazon that your readers may be interested in buying. Sign up for a free Associates account with Amazon and you can then install these widgets with your own Associate ID number and get commission for any sales made through your site. It is a great way to make relevant ads on your site linked to posts you have written.

Bookmarking Buttons (Digg, Delicious, Facebook, etc)
These are almost required in today's age of social bookmarking and networking. By default, the only way a reader can interact with you on your blog is through the commenting feature. However, you can install simple button links on your site to services like Digg and Delicious where they can bookmark your posts and share them with millions of other social bookmarkers. To add these buttons to your page, visit the websites for Digg or Delicious and search for buttons and links after signing up for a new account. They install easily within the code of your template (which these sites will guide you through doing).

There are countless additions you can make to your Blogger blog through widgets and third party applications. When someone has an idea, someone else has probably already created an application to serve that idea. The best way to find new widgets is to search Google for "Blogger Widgets" or "Blogger addons" and search through the listings provided. You can do wonders with your blog with the right resources.

Learn to blog with Google Blogger Tutorials. Over 100 videos available on the Internet showing you where to find and how to add thousands of add-ons including audio, video, slide shows, text, photos, credit cards and more.

Do You Ever Go Off Topic?

Okay - so I do. But you have to give me a bit of leaway. I use to own a large house cleaning company with three teams. We were the 'high end' cleaning service in the city. So, when I see a sponsor for vacuum cleaners I just had to write about it.

I use to have a terrible time telling people the value of a good vacuum. The cheap ones just blow air around. It may pull the top layer of dust up, but all it really does is open the carpet's fibers to let the air feed the dust mites and the spores.

The iportant thing is to buy a good vacuum, like Dyson. But, make sure (unlike other brands) that you can order Dyson spares without having to rely on a repair person. That is the only way to keep your machine in top working order.

A good vacuum = good health. There are a few tips that the pros use. First, never let the bag fill up more than half full. Second, never use cheap bags. Third, keep the filter and the inside of the bag clean.

Making Money With Blogspot

Blogspot, known more commonly as Blogger, is a free platform that allows users to create and host their own blogs. It has become quite popular because the service is so easy and inexpensive. But as fun as blogging is, wouldn't it be even more fun if you could earn money from the readers that visit your blog? Many people have learned to monetize their Blogspot accounts effectively, which has enabled them to earn a passive income stream for something they enjoy doing. Here are some tips that will help you join them.

Choose a Niche

The most profitable blogs focus on a particular subject and rarely stray from it. This strategy serves two purposes. First, it gives your blog a consistent appeal to readers who are looking for material on your subject. Secondly, by focusing on one niche you are much more likely to be listed highly in the search engines for the subject. This means that all of the traffic generated to your blog from search engines will be highly targeted and interested in products related to your content.

Find an Appropriate Affiliate Program

If you have targeted the content of your blog correctly, then you will know exactly what types of items your readers will be looking for. A simple search in Google for "affiliate programs" will return a number of vendors who will pay you a commission to sell products on your website. The key however is to find one that offers products related to your blog. Perhaps the most popular is Commission Junction, which literally has affiliations with hundreds of companies across thousands of niches. But no matter which program you signup with, do some research to make sure they can meet your expectations.

Marketing Effectively

There are two primary ways to bring attention to affiliate offers on your blog. You can take the easy route and post a simple banner in your sidebar. This works well with high traffic blogs, but may not be effective with limited traffic. The recommend marketing strategy is to highlight your advertisers within your blog posts. This means reviewing and discussing the amenities of your affiliate products while including links to the products. The ultimate goal is to get readers to click on your affiliate links where they will then make a purchase, and give you commission earning in the process.

Be Creative

Always remember that consumers have become blind to saturation of internet advertising. For that reason, the bloggers who are the most creative are often the most successful. Just throwing up any old banner and hoping it will attract shoppers might work once in a awhile, but in the long run a little experimentation can yield extraordinary results. Find ways to make your affiliate offers attractive to readers and you will undoubtedly see the returns.

Blogspot is a fantastic way to build your own web presence without much money or technical knowledge. Of course the whole experience can be enhanced by learning to make money with Blogspot. While nothing will ever replace the value of experimenting with different offers and programs, following the basic guidelines in this article will help you get started quickly.

Blogging Pros and Cons

Because blogging is a popular Internet practice, it is fully open to public exposure unless the one creating the blog places specific limits on who can read it. There are at least several types of blogs a person can make, including the use of audio, video, and discussion boards. This is an ideal way for people of various ages to read, report, and/or make an analysis of news found in broadcasting media, share valuable information, write journal entries, or keep in touch with friends and loved ones located any distance away. At the same time, it cannot be assumed that the entire world population is computer literate, let alone knows how to use any Internet services, or that everyone is interested in communicating this way. But bloggers are likely to keep a list of contacts who can communicate in real time, whether they use chat services that may be available on blogging sites or just prefer old-fashioned methods.

Blogging is not meant primarily as a substitute for face-to-face interaction, but can certainly keep interesting conversations going without any apparent interruptions so the topic can be done justice. This way, there is unlimited flexibility for the participants to continue with their everyday lives and, in this process, think of possible contributions of their own to make to the forum while the topic is fresh in their minds. This is crucial to developing a sense of community beyond what each participant may be familiar with already. All users, by participating in the forum, can in time break down barriers easily caused by varying personality traits.

The blogger, by being too general in a discussion, may have problems reaching the desired audience to produce a desired response. For this reason, bloggers should use specific categories to make friends who have various interests, hopefully bringing them together by revealing what they might share in common. The blogs can be especially useful to anyone working on research projects, for which references need only be sought out and examined for credibility.

If there is any abuse taking place on the blogging site, taking the appropriate action is usually simple. It is the responsibility of all users to make sure that this abuse is prevented, especially in light of possible termination of employment. Blogging sites themselves may offer work-from-home employment opportunities. To make sure that the offers being made are legitimate, one should first be able to recognize scams immediately. Some of the most promising jobs may need bloggers to be proficient in skills used in the average workplace environment, such as navigating office programs and developing websites.

It is essential for bloggers to understand what safety procedures to follow in their use of blogs and how not to take undue advantage of anyone. From this point, they can turn the Internet into a productive resource wherever they may be. Knowing how to operate with more than one brand of computer software is also certain to work to their advantage. By staying up-to-date on the latest technology, they can continually improve their skills in serving the public cause.

About the Author:Jesse Parsons is a Free Lance Writer seeking writing opportunities and wrote this article for http://www.Indocquent.com, an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to post their products and services for sale on over 20,000 blogs.Jesse Parsons can be contacted at jd_parsons83@yahoo.com.

Where Do You Promote?

All bloggers are looking for high traffic places to post their links where they can attract traffic, and build PR. However, we think to small. If you want to see a great community website then see what the sports sites do. They have forums, chats, etc, you can even watch rugby games online.

Some sites don't let you leave a link, but many do. These sites receive hundreds of thousands of hits a day. Rugby is the most popular game in the world. Everyone knows something about rugby. You can participate on that site and just leave a tag, even if it isn't a link. And, when you are busy and want a distraction, you can always watch a game.

A Beginners Guide to Blogging

To Blog, or not to Blog? If you are thinking of sharing your thoughts and feelings with the rest of the world, there are a few questions you should ask yourself to get the most out of your new venture. Ever since blogs have become a popular way to reach out to the world, everyone seems to want to use them as a way to make money, rather than offer anything of real value to the public. As soon as google released AdSense, everyone feels the need to spam their readers with all types of ads, and most of the time their blog acts almost more as a journal than anything else. So, If you are looking to make some money with your writings, at least make sure you are developing some kind sort of valuable content to ensure people recognizing your worth, and thus feeling more compelled to click on your page.

Your best bet for a beginners space to start blogging is on Blogger.com. There are a few other styles of blogs you can use, free or paid, but I swear by Blogger and their service. Blogger offers a great service, with a simplistic interface, and plenty of customization options, all for free. Set your title, your URL, and just start blogging.

Do you want to follow a certain subject matter of your articles, or are you just going to follow a chaotic path of things you will post to the world? Your title should reflect this, so people will know what to expect from your page. When I started, I had roughly three articles already in the works, and I released one every other day, always maintaining a healthy level of professionalism in each.

Now that you have your blog, a direction for your writings, and a few articles line up, you just need some readers. Many people quit blogging after a month or two because they realize that no one is coming to read their work. What most people never realize is that there are a couple of simple steps you can take to start earning those visitors now.

There are a plethora of blog directories out there created to solve just this problem. Go to google and search 'Blog Directory' or 'Blog Submit' The list should be populated with many sites that allow you stop by, submit your site, and give a brief description. Most sites take less than 30 seconds to use, and the payoff is worth it.

Secondly you should practice being active in your blogging community. Blogger adds a little toolbar to their blogs that allows you to randomly browse all of the blogs in their network. Your best bet is to take 20 or 30 minutes, and browse through other blogs, and leave meaningful, applicable comments to their content. These are the most effective hits to your page because you went out to earn them. The more links you have leading to your site, the more valuable it will become.

There you have it. I wish you the best with your blogging, and hope you become a success to yourself in the Web Log World.

by Robert Abby

The Top 5 Hints For The Beginner Blogger

I have been blogging for years now. It started as a hobby and has grown from there. I teach blogging classes now for Mastermind Pros. Blogging is a great hobby and it can also be used as a way to start your identity on the World Wide Web. Blogging is much easier to start than a web page, and it is a lot easier to maintain then a web site. There are quality Free Blog Hosts available, so there is really no reason not to get started today. Here are my top 5 hints if you are just beginning as a blogger.

Always Start With a Free Blog

I recommend Word Press or Blogger for the best places to get started in blogging. They both are easy to set up and use. Blogger might have better and easier to get help. However Word Press keeps adding more advanced features and does have a pay feature for more upgrades. With each Word Press account you can have more than one blog, and Blogger does offer the same feature, too. For this article I am just going to focus on Word Press. The reason for this is because most of the blogging information I have found out there for free chooses to focus on Word Press, and as you grow in your blogging experience you will most likely end up with a Word Press blog.

Think of a GREAT Name for Your Blog

If you are starting with Word Press, you will want to register an account, but for each blog you want to have a creative name that you choose for you blog. For example if you were writing a blog about being a teacher you might want to see if you can get a name for your blog that has teacher "style" keywords for the title. Another example might be My Life In Room 5 for your main title. You can change the title of your blog at any time that you want so if next year you were moved to room 22, you can just edit your title, but to choose your URL it would be different.

Picking the URL

The URL is simply defined as the Universal Resource Locator. An Internet World Wide Web Address. When you choose a URL for your free Word Press Blog it is shown as: name.wordpress.com. You would substitute your name for your blog where "name" is. Your "name" can be one word or a combination of words with no spaces between them. Several of the good names are already taken but with imagination and patience you can find a suitable name. Maybe choose your own name, for example. mastermindpros.wordpress.com I was able to get this blog just now. Remember that the URL title you pick is permanent unless you choose to delete it. You can delete free blogs at any time.

Make a Commitment to Post Often

Most people start blogging because they have something to say! Some people start them for other reasons but having been a Blogger for several years now and a visitor to several blogs, I still feel the majority of blogs out there are started by people who enjoy writing and have something to say, even if it is just commenting on news articles or sharing their poetry. Some people enjoy ranting. Have you visited other people's blogs before? Go to any search engine and type in the name of something you are interested in like: Johnny Depp Blogs and see what shows up. I got over 276,000 results for that search on Google. So you can find people with the same interests as yours. You can read what they have to say then go comment on their blog and write about it on your blog. You can ask people with similar interests to share on your blog, too.

Do Not Delete Your Blog

Maybe you have started your blog and you hate it. Well think once, twice, three times and more about whether or not you want to keep or delete your blog. Why do I suggest keeping your blog? The main reason I suggest this is because you are starting your presence on the internet. That might not mean much to you if you are new, but it might mean more in months or years to come. Your blog is real estate in the World Wide Web Land. Real Estate here can become valuable, too. You can become valuable as you grow your property (your blog). Blogging is a fun hobby, but you never know what the future is going to hold for you or where you hobby might lead you. Especially if you are building your blog over time, and you are following some of the steps I mentioned in #4 above. People on the internet and bloggers are usually a friendly group. We love to have comments on our blogs. We usually respond to them. It is a special present to us when someone takes the time to make a comment. We love suggestions and people sharing what they are doing, too. The only thing that most bloggers hate is SPAM! That is where people post only to sell something or lead people to websites that they might not want to go to. Don't fear that though since Word Press has powerful filters now and you get to approve what people can say on their comments.

You will find that Blogging is a lot of fun! If you can send emails you can blog. It is very easy to start up a blog using Word Press or Blogger. If you have been thinking about starting a blog and have not done so yet, my advice is to get started. It is a great free hobby and you never know where it might lead you. Share your interests with the world. There are thousands of readers out there searching for information. Perhaps they will find you. I hope you will enjoy your blogging experience as much as I enjoy blogging and reading blogs, too.

Rocque Bowen is a professional coach for Mastermind Pros (http://www.mastermindpros.com). If you are interested in learning to make an online income and are tired of all the hype, stop by Mastermind Pros and find out what it really takes to make an income online.

Blogging: not That There's Anything Wrong With it

Blogs (aka Weblogs) are basically online journals or diaries which are configured for distributing information and ideas. It allows for easy and instantaneous publishing of content to a website whereby all entries can be place into categories making the search process nice and easy.

The simplicity of publishing, the degree of functionality, and the cohesion with other bloggers, establish blogs as just one phase of the modern evolution that is occurring within the online marketing and promotional ranks.

Blogging as frequently as possible lets you populate your archives with content while generating traffic organically from search engines. Search engines feed generously on the robust content from blogs. A search engine views a blog as being the perfect content based management solution. Interestingly enough a variety of people have found stimulating ways to create cash flow with them.

Placing Google ads is a superior selection to earn some money while maintaining ads on your blog that are pertinent to the subject at hand. The setup goes like this: Google places an ad or link on the pages of the blog and if a visitor clicks on the ad, you receive compensation for set dollar amount for each advertisement.

Even though a few clicks won't make you an overnight millionaire, if you consistently provide top notch quality content on your blog you will continue to attract visitors that will read and click on your ads, creating some easy passive income.

There are a plenty of free blogging websites to select from and the majority offer simplistic templates that enable you to enter your insightful content and click on the submit button. The most thought provoking and time consuming aspect of this process is judging which category your blog will go under, and then furnishing captivating content each time you decide to post.

Just relax and brainstorm a few other strategies you can add to your blogs to make them more appealing. Even if you secure the most popular blogger status, you do not want to come across as a disingenuous person that would write anything just because you were crying out for the hits.

You may happen upon unbridled talent from blogging. Or you may find that you connect with people from your blogs and discover that the world is much larger and logically smaller than what you once perceived. Money can be generated through your blogging, but more often than not, you'll find it can just be an extraordinary passage and a mode to meet people that partake in your opinions.

Don Downes is a top internet marketer. Visit the => GBG site to learn how a $19.95 product and a copyrighted compensation plan can provide you with a substantial income and financial independence.

Good Vs Bad Blogger

There are two general types of bloggers. The one that makes money with the site and the one that does it just for fun and money doesn't matter. In the past years I saw several people changing from the "just for fun" to the "money matters" type of bloggers. One thing people have to realize is that it is not bad to make money with your blog. In fact if you choose relevant advertising readers benefit from it.

The common mistake people make is that they start to care more about the money than their readers. They focus on picking the highest paying ads and don't care if they are in line with the topic of their blog. Have you ever seen dating ads on a gardening blog? This kind of behavior disappoints your loyal readers and scares new readers away.

Studies show that people evaluate the credibility of a site in the first 8 seconds. If your blog is covered with advertising people will think you are just here to sell them something and won't bother spending time on your site. It is no surprise that blending advertising with content is so successful. It increases the credibility of your site, readers are more likely to spend more time on your site and when they see an ad - they are more likely to click because they don't think you just do this to sell them something. A good idea is to start thinking about your readers as your friends. Would you try so hard to sell stuff to your friends? Probably not.

Good blogger...

- have the passion to write about their topic
- think about benefits for their readers
- don't sell their soul and just recommend things or place advertising that they believe is worth it
- have long term success because they have loyal readers

Bad blogger...

- have nothing but profit on their mind
- think about how to make their their readers click on ads or affiliate links
- recommend everything with a high pay-out
- have short term success because people are sent away for a couple of cents or because people realize this blog is just about selling them something

If you approach your topic from an unique angle and your blog offers real benefits for your readers you will have success. Not over night because like everywhere else it also takes time and dedication to built something online. Making money online is easier than you think and with more and more people online every day an investment in the future.

Jay Schmidt runs a blog network and offers insight in how he approaches blogging in his free step by step guide on http://www.internet-starter-guide.com

The Benefits of a Generator Sitemap

Generator sitemap programs have two fundamental purposes, they improve navigation of sites and they encourage search engine spiders. One of the most popular generator sitemap programs available is through Google.

Google's generator sitemap allows websites to be listed and updated through Google's search engine in a speeding manner. A site is more easily noticed by surfers.. When changes are made, the generator sitemap is instantly found by Google. Therefore your information is always up-to-date.

A generator sitemap program is key to your visibility on the web. Indexed websites will have more success in ranking high in top search engine placement page results. Popular browsers that support Java recognize generator sitemap programs, such as Firefox and Explorer. These programs allow for more accurate results.

Websites that often modify their webpages would benefit the most from a generator sitemap. This does not guarantee increased site rankings, but is does increase the chances of your website being listed on search engines.

Most generator sitemap programs use XML (extensible markup language). XML is similar to hypertext markup language or HTML and is used in blogs and syndicated feeds.

The name of a web page and its location is identified. The line indicates the last time the web page was modified. The format for can either be dd.mm.yyyy, dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm, dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. There are shortcuts that can be used to simply the assignment of dates to the cell.

The line informs the search engine of when the web page should be updated. You can choose this to be done on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. If it is intended that a web page will not be updated then you can use the value 'never'. By using your are indicates the level of priority given. These levels will can range from 0.0 (least priority) to 1.0 (high priority).

A dynamic generator sitemap is best used by websites that contain numerous pages. Google has simplified the steps needed to adapt through the use of "python script." This python script will create sitemap by using sitemap "protocol" from either access logs, URL lists or from web server directories.

Tips for Google users:

Use the Google sitemap URL encoder/decoder. If your website contains a lot of web pages, you will need to click on the column title to make it easier for a URL list to be sorted. With the Google generator sitemap, users can actually save settings and use them as a guide for other generator sitemap updates. Robots.txt files are also recognized by the generator sitemap.

Building a generator sitemap will great assist in top page ranking on leading search engines and will definitely create high visibility.

For even more info on this, please visit my website www.ebookscomputer.com.

Good Luck!
Jeff Spires

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City Based Blogs

One of the most overlooked marketing tools is a city based blog. This helps business owners focus on benefits and resources in their area. They target local businesses for promotion and paid per posts.

One excellent example is Dallas Marketing Blog. Thos blog focuses on business, marketing, sales, SEO, and PR with a focus on the Dallas area. However, the info, posts and tutorials, can be digested by readers across the world.

It is another venue, and a great resources for local businesses.

Ultimate Blogging Secrets

Professional blogging is a very new idea with a lot of potential for entrepreneurs who have insight, drive, and a basic understanding of today's innovative web technology. The ranks of so-called pro bloggers are still quite small, and there are very few people who make their living entirely off of their blogs. However, every day there are more and more people who have managed to turn their weblogs into cash cows that supplement their income. The number of pro bloggers is growing by leaps and bounds, but it is difficult to say whether this trend will continue.

Many bloggers dream of entering the sphere of professional blogging. There are very few people who happily devote an hour or more each day to their blog without at least occasionally wishing that they could earn some kind of financial reward for all of their work. Several models exist for making money with a blog, the most popular being to sell advertising space through Google's AdSense program or directly to a company that wishes to reach the demographic that your blog appeals to. However, there are very few people indeed who can make a comfortable living just by selling space on their blog sidebars.

A lot of the people who read weblogs are bloggers themselves, in part because of the fact that the people who use blogging technology on a daily basis are most likely to be interested in what other writers are doing with the medium. This fact begins to explain why the people who succeed in the world of professional blogging are mostly people who have devoted themselves almost entirely to learning about, talking about, and writing about blogging. More than any other topic, pro bloggers turn their attention to the phenomenon of blogging itself. A lot of pro bloggers make the topic of blogging the stunningly self-reflexive
ongoing focus of their blogs.

Of course, professional blogging is destined to become much more complicated in the future than it is today. In the current moment, pro bloggers who attract the largest audiences and make the most money are mostly concerned with investigating the blogging movement and with offering advice to amateur bloggers. However, as the kinds of people who regularly read blogs changes, and the demographics of bloggers expand and diversify as blogging software becomes more user friendly, it is very likely indeed that the world of pro blogging will begin to reflect these changes. Indeed, it is very difficult to predict exactly what kinds of blogs will be reaping the greatest financial rewards five or ten years down the road. The world of pro blogging is one of constant change and flux, which is part of what makes it so exciting.

Choosing a free blogging site can feel overwhelming because there are so many options. There are several large free blog-hosting sites that dominate the blogosphere, but there are also smaller sites. Whether you decide to join up with an established site like blogger or whether you choose to sign on with a relatively new venture depends on what your priorities

Reliability is perhaps the best reason to opt for a large and well known free blogging site. When you choose to have an established brand host your blog, you can feel secure that your blog will not crash often and will not disappear in the middle of the night. A company that has been around for a while is likely to have the resources to make sure that its clients aren't unpleasantly surprised by any technical glitches. However, many bloggers decide that this isn't enough of a selling point. The bloggers who choose to go with smaller, newer blog hosting sites do so for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the number one advantage is a fairly abstract one. Bloggers tend to relish the fact that the internet is a place where the underdog has a strong chance of success, and by choosing to have a small company as a blog host, a blogger is casting his or her vote for David against Goliath.

Christopher is the owner of http://www.Online-marketing-Expert.com Online Marketing Expert .com, the BEST website for Internet Marketing information online. You can read articles written by hundreds of gurus by browsing around the site. We have litterally hundreds of great reviews to the latest internet marketing software, e-books and video collections! Take a peak at http://www.online-marketing-expert.com