
How To Find Great Products To Sell

One of the best and easiest ways to make money is to sell products and services. With your Web site or online newsletter you can make good money by selling items that people want to buy. If you don't have a unique product or service of your own to sell you can always sell the products of other companies. As an affiliate or reseller you get a commission or a percentage of every item you sell.

The percentage can range from 1% to 100%. With a commission of 100% you actually buy reprint rights to a product like software or ebooks. You can then sell the products and keep all of the profits for yourself. You can also repackage the products, combine them with other programs you have reprint rights to and create you own product. Your opportunities are only limited by your imagination and the copyright laws.

You can sell almost anything you want. Whatever your passion or interest you can find a product and sell it. But it is always best to start out with a niche market or a specialized area.

You can't be all things to all people, at least not at the beginning. Having a narrow focus when you first start to sell is a smart business decision. Even Amazon.com started out selling just books and slowly expanded to selling pretty much everything, from furniture to underwear.

I have read that some people make six figures a year with their affiliate programs. Some are even millionaires. It all starts with finding a good product or products to sell and then marketing them to their targeted audience.

There are many affiliate networks that offer numerous products to choose from. Sign up is always free. Categories run the gamut from accessories, automotive, and food to investments, sports, and real estate. Services can include Web hosting and domain name registration.

Below are four affiliate networks that you can join for free. Each network takes care of the finances. They collect your commissions and keep track of all your sales. They then pay you what you made from your sales, usually on a monthly basis. And you can always check your progress through your online account manager.

Commission Junction -

On the homepage click on "CJ Vantage." This leads to another page where you can click on "Publisher" which is another name for affiliate or associate. The "CL Marketplace" link leads you to the list of companies looking for people to sell their products and services. But I think you have to sign up first.

If you don't get a welcoming letter from CJ, enter your username in the login form. Ask that your password be sent to you. If you get a password then you know your application was approved. This is how I find out I was accepted by CL. (I could not find an email address for customer service.)

Also CJ gives you a password that you can never remember (it is random letters and numbers) and apparently you can't change your password to something that is easy to remember. I find the site hard to navigate and needlessly complicated.

Clickbank -

Clickbank is much easier to navigate with links such as "Buy Products," "Sell Products" and "Promote Products" on the homepage. Click on "Attract More Customers" and this tells you how Clickbank works and leads you to the sign up page. Clickbank has a one-page sign up and is the simplest of all four affiliate networks.

ShareaSale -

This site is even easier to navigate. All the links you want - to sign up, to look for products- are on the homepage in the left-hand column. But affiliate signup is a five step process.

LinkShare - You can easily find the link for signing up on the homepage. But the application is a four stop process. With this company you have to sign up before you get to view the available products and services.

To learn more about how to make money without a job, please visit The Job Haters' Club at http://www.jobhatersclub.com

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