
Changes at Blogitive

Blogitive is making changes again. Now they only want bloggers who are using a wordpress blog on their own domain name.

There have been some changes with Wordpress that has made it very 'search engine' friendly,and I can understand that. But, is it worth it to run out and make the new blog?

Blogitive wants 10 000 bloggers on their site. Yet, I have gone for many weeks without a single job posting. At one time, I made about $100 a week from them. Now - nada.

If you are a paid post blogger, then you want to be listed at every site. However, I am not sure that it is good business to start making blogs, paying to host them, buying domains, and embarking on a search engine and directory submission program - just for a company that hasn't proven they are able to keep bloggers working.

I know that there are still some bloggers who are making good money. And, I know that blogger is favoring bloggers with their own domain and wordpress like Sharon Hurley Hall's www.getpaidtowriteonline.com. But, I wonder how much it is worth it.

I believe that one reason they are making this change is because Wordpress accepts their directories. This is all good for them, but what about 'my' readers on 'my' blog. I know that a lot of bloggers are building blogs to get clicks and money from Google and other venues - but what about those of us who want to keep our visitors right here, on our blogs?

I will probably start an experiment soon - but I just wondered if anyone has current positive results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know. I have used Blogitive in the past, but since I run fewer paid posts on my own hosted Wordpress blogs, I have earned nothing from them for months. The offers aren't there, so I'm not sure I would go to the trouble of setting up and hosting a domain just for Blogitive. At the moment, there are plenty of other companies who accept Blogger blogs, so I will stick to them. If Blogitive makes it too hard for people to meet their requirements, they may not get their 10,000 bloggers.