
Do You Use BlogCatalogue Properly?

At another blog community, I found a post stating that Blog Catalogue is a waste of time. I had to look twice, before I realized that the author was serious. Then, I went to their blog neighbourhood and found why.

1. This blogger never helped promote other people's blogs

2. There was no 'recent visitor' widget (high enough on the bog that the screen shot captures it and show other blog catalogue users) So, the big bloggers who will trade a 'view' for appearing as a recent visitor will over look him.

3. He did not collect a neighbourhood of similar blog communities - so no one knew he was there.

4. He obviously didn't appear on other blogger's 'recent viewed' widget (my neighbourhood is good - but it offers no incentive for people to repeatedly visit your blog)

5. He himself had not chatted with other bloggers or even participated at Blog Catalogue

So, there is nothing wrong with Blog Catalogue - there is something seriously wrong with this person's expectations. If you give nothing - you get nothing.


Mirella Patzer said...

Terrific article. I've still got lots to learn about blogcatalog and it's good to know I'm on the right track.

Anonymous said...

The important thing is to not abandon the tool. Keep going to blogcatalogue and visiting friend's blogs - so they will continue to visit yours.

This builds your network and traffic.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this, very useful advice. I feel I have more to do to become a good blogcatalogue uer and I'm glad that someone is blogging on it.