
Directorie Enteries

The SEO world is buzzing with the news that Google is now giving 'exec' status to links from inside directories. This is leading many bloggers to rush out and start listing in directories, but instead - stop and think.

You need at least 500 links, think of how many widgets this will add to the bottom of your blog. This will make a big mess. Buying for links means that you do not need to put a widget on the website - but -

Paying for links is not a fool proof method of being listed. Many directories are started by people who want a 'get rich quick' scheme and then just abandon the directory when submissions get to the point where their 'get rich quick' scheme turns into a 'job.'

My experience shows that if you pay for 250 directory submissions, then you'll actually get about 70 - 80 links. Now, if you are paying less than $.50 each - this is still good value.

There is also a 'scheme' to make people think that paying $200 for one link to a PR8 blog will 'do the trick' and pull your blog up. While it is true that high PR pages pull up low PR pages - it is not true that paying $500 for one link on a PR8 page will not increase your blog's PR.

The important thing is to remember that blogging is a job. Part of that job is linking.

Now, what can you do? Well - Forums are also receiving a big boost when it comes to PageRank. As much as directories, but few people make money from forums, so no one is writing about it. If you want to build great PR, I suggest that you start participating in forums - and leave the directories alone until you have the money to buy links.

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