
Blogging For Money - Or Not!

I often wonder if I blog for money, and to talk with people, or if I am addicted to blogging. I missed my daily fix. For 17 months the morning routine included one blog post a cup of coffee and checking emails. If the day was stressful, I stopped and wrote another blog post.

I am a habitual creature. I'm the first to admit it, but blogging feels different. Is it really possible to experience something socially through a digital venue? Do people really connect when they blog at a community site like this one?

I write at 11 blogs, but only one social blog. I wouldn't miss any of the others if they went down - not emotionally. However, I did miss my other gracepub blog when things went wild in January. I missed the morning routine. I missed seeing your familiar.... username.

Is the ability to work in a community like this, and make friends that you miss, proof of society's enduring ability to adapt to any situation? Or, does it mean that we all work too hard?

Or - are we using the few dollars that Google pays us as an excuse to continue our addiction with blogging? I do make money every month, but nothing near the promised $1200 – but then, I didn't know that I was loosing as much as 90% to the blog host from my Google code, and not given anything on the 'admin's' ads.

It is something I've been pondering for a few weeks while I hunted for a new 'home.'

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