
All Set to Blog: Which Blogging Platform Should You Use?

I've been looking at several blogging platforms lately. I have to admit that I love the new Wordpress. It still has the SEO flaws of the earlier versions, but the widgets and ease of construction.

I like blogger, mainly because of the main dashboard. It is easy to use, and easy to slide from one blog to the next.

Which Blogging Platform Should You Use?

So you've finally decided to join the blogosphere. As a blogger, one of the things you need to decide on is the blogging platform you want to use. Going with the right blogging platform will make your life as a blogger easy. Choose the wrong one and pretty soon you'll feel that blogging is more of a chore instead of something you enjoy doing.

A blogging platform refers to the program you use to manage your blog -- from creating it to adding posts, editing posts, deleting posts, approving and deleting comments, and adding other elements to enhance your blog. Thus, the right platform will affect your blogging experience, which is why it is important that you spend time checking out the different types available and looking to see which one is most appropriate for you.

Ideally, you want a platform that is user-friendly and is flexible enough so that you can customize your blog and enable you to really create something that is uniquely yours. Don't expect to find the right platform quickly; this part of the blogging process takes time and you will need to devote time testing out the different types before eventually find the most suitable one.

When you're looking for a blogging platform, it's good if you already know your priorities. For instance, do you put more weight in one that is easy to use or do you want a platorm that is highly customizable?

Moveable Type, a blogging platform, is highly customizable but is not recommended if you are new to blogging or you do not have the technical background in HTML and Javascript. Moveable Type is ideal if you are an experience web designer and you are comfortable working with code.

WordPress, on the other hand, is a platform that is automated and is recommended for new bloggers and those who don't mind using templates. It is extremely user-friendly and even those with no HTML or web design experience can be blogging in minutes.

If you're wondering what the best blogging platform is, you'll get no definitive answer. This is because every blogger has different needs. Thus, one blogger may think MovableType is the best, but another blogger may think different; that the platform he is using is the best.

Keep in mind that blogging is a highly individual endeavor, which means that there is no one software or platform that can satisfy every blogger's needs. There are plenty available, and this is because of the diversity of bloggers out there. Basically, the best platform is one that suites your needs and technical aptitude.

You'll find a lot of reviews for the different types available but while these reviews are helpful, take them with a grain of salt. As mentioned before, bloggers have different needs and so there is no one platform that can meet all bloggers' needs.

When you're reading these reviews, keep your priorities in mind. Also try to discern where the reviewers are coming from when they wrote their reviews.

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