
Does IZEA Have a Double Standard?

I’ve been confused about the new ‘Did Google Spank You’ campaign. Yes, I am furious at Google. After all, what is the difference between selling an ad link in a blog post or putting google ads in a blog post?

What I’m having a hard time understanding is why IZEA also spanks bloggers who lose their Google Page Rank – especially when IZEA has their own ranking system? I’ve talked to several bloggers who lost their Google Page Rank – then suddenly IZEA stopped sending them Paid Posts.

I know a lot of bloggers who would love to leave Google behind and work with IZEA. Personally, I would rather spend my time generating new traffic instead of leaving comments in blogs so I have enough links to increase my PR. IZEA’s system tracks traffic – it sounds perfect…except that IZEA won’t stand up and support their bloggers.

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