
Technorati Favorits

If you want to help promote friends, then consider 'faving' their blogs on technorati. This is a good tool. Not as good as Stumbleupons web page feature which lets viewer see a full page of your website as a 'view' (you won't see these people in your stats.)But, it is good for promotion.

It also helps promote your technorati by giving you more content and a better read. The problem with most writers is that they write on writing and making money as writers - whether they are doing well or not. I recently talked to one person who wanted to know why their blog 'successful writing' was not making money. I asked how long she had been a writer. Her answer - 3 weeks.

If you want to promote, work with people who are accustomed to promoting. If you want to write - then write about something you know.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

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