
Do You Have a Product For Sale?

It amazes me how many pro-bloggers will write for others, ghostwrite, but never take the time to make their own product to sell. In fact, with today's technology, it is possible to build a whole library of books for sale - at 100% profit...no publishers...no distributor's....nothing.

It is fairly easy. First, the average lazor printer can print 'book quality pages.' But, your books are not going to look like bookshelf quality books. You want them to look like training manuals and corporate releases. So you will use a lower grade embossed cover. This can be purchased in bulk, or at any office supply store.

THen you bind it. I had the 5000 model of book binding machine. It sits on the table and uses glue strips. The finished book looks good enough to sell from local bookstores. But, because the book doesn't look like a bookstore book - you can charge hard-cover prices for your book.

This is a great way to use corporate tools to give yourself an advantage.

However, like all products there is a trick to using these book binders to make a trade paperback. First, do not make anything less than 6x9. Second, you want to 'crimp' your spine. When making a cover, make it at least 1/2 an inch larger than necessary so you have ample trim.

The trim can be difficult. We purchased a large paper cutter, guilloteen style, to do the cutting. This worked well when we kept the blade sharp.

You will need to make your own crimper. This can be tricky as not all of your books will be the same size. Crimping makes the book 'fit' the cover, and the pages will sit nicer in the back of the book. The book binder will crimp the covers as it melts the glue stick and adheres the book, but having a pre crimp will make he book look almost 'bookstore quality.'

In fact, if you use a good inkjet printer, book quality paper, and laminate the cover with a satin finish plastic, your books will be bookstore quality.

Cost? It costs about $3.00 - $5.00 to make a small book, under 200 pages. This lets you make a book, and sell it for $9.99 - $19.99 from Amazon.com, or your website, and earn $6.00 - $15.99 per copy.

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