
Every Office Needs a Flash Drive

Do you have a couple Flash Drives ? If not, you need to buy a couple of good ones before the week is out. A flash drive is a portable memory device that you can change, erase, and alter. Think of it like a pre-programmable DVD.

Most are the size of a lighter or lipstick. You can even buy ones that look like pens, to hide data. They fit into the USB port, and they are cheap.

I don't know how many times I saved my 'projects' on a flash drive and took it with me when I travelled.

My son has a flash drive that he uses to take school work back and forth from his home computer to the school computers. There has been a couple of times it saved him, as the good copy of his homework was ruined, so he could print off a new one.

A flash drive is one of those things that you may not have now, but once you buy one, you'll never know how you lived without it.

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