
Moving and Movers

I have a client who has been trying to move for almost a month. I remember when I moved, it took almost a month to pack, and then 3 days to move all our furniture to the house. Next time I am moving, I'll use a professional mover. They can box everything, and have the home owner out of the home in hours.

You must use a reliable and responsible mover. I had a friend whose mover worked so slow that she started to help. Then they charged her to store the boxes, in the truck trailer, over night. Cost = $800.00.

A mover NYC has an excellent list of reasons why you need a moving company. They are a great laugh. But they are also an eye opener. I was also amazed to learn that this one company moved 150 000 people left NY in the year after 9/11. I couldn't imagine that many moves.

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